Welcome to My Ministry Programs and Shows Page
Below are descriptions of some of the ways I can help meet your need. Descriptions of some of the Ministry Programs/Shows as well as affiliated organizations normally associated with churches are given as examples of ways I can help. This is by no means all-inclusive, so please email by clicking here if you have questions or give me a call at (610) 698-0311. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Meeting Your Needs
My ultimate goal is to listen to your needs and then give you the best possible event/program that will meet those needs. Whether you are looking for hard-hitting evangelical or discipleship programs, a more light-hearted approach to sharing the gospel or just good clean fun entertainment, I will design a program for you.
For instance, some of you may have hard-hitting outreach evangelical programs such as Summer Tent Ministries, Disciples for Christ and more. All my programs will offer solid entertainment but the messages and how they are delivered will vary by event and need.
You may instead be looking for a softer touch. You might be having a summer program that invites in the neighborhood but you want a program that shares the Gospel but does so in a lighter manner that is filled with fun and laughter.
And some of you may just have an event coming up where you are looking for entertainment, one that not necessarily comes with a Gosple Message, but you know will be fun, clean and appropriate for all ages.
Read below for even more detail on events, programs, and organizations that can help meet your various needs.
- Why, How and Who Can Benefit from My Programs, Shows and Ministry Events?
Why Choose Me? Why Can I Help You? Let’s face it. There are many programs, speakers and entertainers available. You can google and probably find at least a hundred options. So why me? Why The Amazing Magi? You may have already read this earlier but I bring 5 key factors into play:
- Experience – All my life I have been working with Children and Adults in various capacities from Tutor, Public School Teacher, Mentor, After-School Program Director, Youth Ministry Director, Ordained Pastor and Family Entertainer. I bring all that knowledge and experience to you.
- Ministry – I am an ordained pastor that serves a congregation day in and day out, leading services every Sunday, preaching God’s Word every Sunday. I am not just a speaker, evangelist, or entertainer that offers programs to churches. I talk the talk and walk the walk every single day. I know and face many of the same challenges you face in your congregations and related organizations.
- Calling – I have a calling to ministry. Just as God has called me to serve as an Ordained Pastor, I believe God has called me to use my talents and my gifts of speaking, illusions, sleight-of-hand, and entertainment in God’s Service. Sometimes this mean simply bring joy and laughter to people with my gift. Other times it also involves using this gift I have to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Customization – I design each program specifically for your needs. What a Church Daycare program needs is different from a Crusade for Christ. What a Vacation Bible School program requires is different from a Church Dinner. I listen to what you need and then design your “Custom Program,” whatever the occasion or need.
- Guarantee – Finally, I offer an unconditional Money-Back-Guarantee if I do not fulfull your needs. That’s Right. If you are not happy, you don’t pay me or if you already paid, you get your money back. I am so confident that you will be satisfied and happy, this unconditional guarantee is yours!
How Can I Help – I can help you with your ministry and/or entertainment needs by taking all that experience, all my talent, and working with you to make sure you have the appropriate program suitable for your unique needs. I take great pride in the fact that I work directly with you, customizing your event so that together we will make sure the progam is perfect for you!
Who can Benefit? – I offer a uinique man ix of options and ministry programs and entertainment options. Below are just some of who can benefit:
Your Church’s Ministries: Examples are programs I offer that address:
- Stewardship Ministries – For more information on how I can help with Stewardship, click here.
- Evangelism Ministries
- Discipleship Ministries
- Entertainment for Church Dinners, Church Socials, and more
Youth Ministries: Whether you are looking for an engaging program that talks about Jesus for the very young, or one that challenges your teens, I have a program for you. Some examples include:
- Vacation Bible School
- Youth Groups (Older or Younger)
- Bible and/or Summer Camps
- Confirmation
- Sunday School (however the program cannot be on a Sunday morning)
- Youth Fundraisers
Other Church Related Ministries and Organizations:
- Women’s and Men’s Groups
- Senior Groups
- Scouting Groups
- Church Preschools and Daycares – For more information click here
- After School Programs
- Other Community Groups that use your Building
What do you need to do? Simply contact me via e-mail by clicking here or call me at (610) 698-0311. Don’t wait. As a full-time parish pastor my availability dates fill up fast. Just contact me and let me help you. Thank you and blessings.

Don’t take my Word for it. See what other’s have to say about me, The Amazing Magi
To request information or to book a Show or Ministry Program, please fill in the form provided, giving as much detail as possible. For instance, what is the purpose of the program? Who is the intended audience? What are the demographics of the audience? Are they mostly children, mostly adult, mixed audience, etc.? Thank you and I look forward to helping you with your Ministry and/or Entertainment needs.